Science Week

What a fantastic National Science Week we all had this year!

The annual paper plane competition was a huge success with hundreds of students participating. With so much enthusiasm in the air, it will be necessary to run trials leading up to the big event next year.

The girls' Science Challenge classes took their Travelling Science Show to grades 3 & 4, who were amazed to learn there is science even in bubbles! Grades 5 & 6 on the other hand participated in a wide range of experiments in a Science Expo conducted by year 8 and year 11 students in the Science lab. On the technical side, year 7 to 10 students attended 3D pen, paper plane and robotics workshops run by the Robotics Elective students and the boys' Science Challenge classes. And the human mind was not forgotten with Year 9 students attending a lecture on the study of Psychology and the careers studies in that area can lead to.

Other activities included displays of science photography, scientific research posters, scientific models and 'My Useful Robot' posters from the primary. Food Technology students also produced colourful posters of the vitamins and minerals we need for good health. The Food Tech classes went one step further and produced edible posters about fruits and vegetables we need in a healthy diet. These were judged (and eaten!) by the primary classes.

And for the first time this year the English and Science departments teamed up to conduct a science spelling bee for all year levels. Well done to 11G who achieved a 90% perfect score (the remaining 10% scored 95%)!

A BIG thank you to all staff and students involved in organising and running National Science Week activities, to the teachers who allowed students to participate in activities during their class time and congratulations to all participants for your enthusiasm.

National Science week
National Science week
Click images to enlarge

Science Sparks!

"The important thing is to never stop questioning! – Albert Einstein"

Sirius College children enjoyed another exciting week of Science activities, but they were not only for students, of course! It was a great joy for everyone who was involved in the many wonderful Science activities including colourful demonstrations like: rainbow fire; the dry ice show; colour symhony; elephant's toothpaste; making polymer or "slime"; CO2 magic; clocks; animal and plant cell observation under the microscope; the electric circuit competition; and a meteor shower and shooting stars show; not to mention much more!

But overall, the best part for me, was seeing the curious, sparky eyes of younger children who were seeking answers from their role model older students to discover more about the world around them! We are delighted to celebrate our Science week in this positive environment.

Esin Celik - Science Laboratory Technician